Best Industrial Water Filtration Systems Guide

The industrial water filtration system helps in various separation and purification needs. They may range from compact, and simple to complex and multi-unit processes and serves lots of applications. If you are new in water filtration, then you might be asking about "What is Industrial water filtration systems and its working."

Water Filtration History

People always want clean and pure water not only for drinking purposes but for other purposes. From ancient history, people always strived a lot to get filtered water using different filtration methods.

Ancient Egypt

Usually, scientists show the water filtration descriptions in the form of hieroglyphs. In ancient Egypt, primitive systems were used. The system consists of sand and gravel and the use of boiling water to remove the contaminants.

First BC:

During the first BC, many people want to get rid of the bad taste of water. For this purpose,  a scientist named Diophanes suggested the use of crushed Laurel.

370 BC

For this purpose, he created a sleeve of cloth. It is a cloth in which boiling water is poured to filter out more impurities.


Removing salt from the seawater is also a question in 1627. At that time, a scientist named Sir Francis Bacon started an experiment of removing the salt from seawater.

This process is called desalination, and in this process, he removes the salt particles by filtering the seawater through the sand. Unfortunately, he was unsuccessful in removing salt from the seawater, but he encouraged other scientists to go for advanced filtration technologies.


John Gibb was a great scientist who took help from sand filters for water supplies in 1804. There he installed the experimental filter, and after that, he sold the purified water to the public.


Most surprisingly, it was the first treatment plant and became a model for the invention of other treatment plants in the world.


1903 was the year in which scientists invented the method of water softening. People usually prefer this method for desalination.


The Safe Water Act was also passed in 1974. Through this act, every person can save drinking water according to his needs.

What is Industrial Water Filter?

Industrial Water Filter

An industrial water filter is a device that helps in removing any unwanted material from the liquid used in many industrial applications.

Some of these materials are:

  • Metals
  • Sediments
  • Minerals
  • Odor
  • Chemicals
  • Other impurities

Industrial Water Filters’ Function

The main function of any industrial water filters is to shield human health and various sensitive components in industrial applications.

Types of Water Filtration Systems

There are various types of water treatment systems. Some of them are given below:

  • Raw water treatment systems
  • Boiler feed-water treatment systems
  • Cooling tower water treatment systems
  • Wastewater treatment systems

The Process of Raw Water Filtration

Raw water is usually untreated and unpurified. It must undergo various treatment and filtration steps to make it safe for industrial use as well as consumption.

Raw material comes from many sources such as:

  • Groundwater
  • Bodies of water
  • Rainwater

By treating the raw water not only make the water safe for human consumption or contact but also removes all kind of impurities and pathogens that is not good for human. It also preserves overall facility’ systems.

For instance, Softening hard water may remove chemicals such as magnesium and calcium. If it doesn’t remove then they built up pipe joints.

Each filtration system comes with a different process and is customized with unique requirements and demands. Most of the system allows the 5-basic step to filter water as well as make it safe to use.

  1. Intake
  2. Clarification
  3. Disinfection
  4. Ion exchange
  5. Distribution

We discuss them one by one:

  • Intake

First of all, raw or untreated water is brings into the water filtration process. It uses both pumps and gravity to draw water into the system. The intake system has a grate that can easily block objects and take them into the system.

  • Clarification

To remove any kind of hard of solid particles from raw water, it is further sent to the clarification process. Clarification involves many stages such as Coagulation. In coagulation adds some chemicals and adjusts the PH level of water by making solid clumps for more lenient filtration.

  • Disinfection

In this stage, the water is further treated for biological contaminants. Every stage of the system needs to remove toxins and pathogens from water. It is the best way to make water sufficient for consumption.

Some of the possible disinfection methods that used are:

  • Membrane-based filtration
  • UV heat, and other physical disinfectant methods
  • Chlorine and other chemical disinfectants

The membrane filtration method is the method that is used at the later stage of the filtration cycle. It generally uses ultra-filtration, Nano-filtration, and micro-filtration to filter water easily.

  • Ion Exchange (IX)

The Ion exchange units can easily soften water as well as offer many specialized and perfect treatment methods. To soft hard water, the Ion-exchange IX unit sends the water streams via acid-cation resin. This resin is further charged with sodium elements that let to captured magnesium and calcium.

  • Distribution

The distribution system of the water filtration system routes the water to the facility system. It further helps to make water suitable for manufacturing use and consumption for disposal.

Working process of Industrial Water Filters

Industrial water filters also are known as surface filters that can easily strain water via the membrane. They can also be known as depth filters that have porous materials used for collecting impurities through the medium.

The depth filters are the common filter used in the industrial water filtration system because they come with greater capacity for dirt retention. Two types of depth filters are used named cartridge and deep bed depth filters.

Deep bed depth Filters Vs. Cartridge Filters

Deep Bed Filters

The choice of constructing material used in deep bed filters depends on the containment type you want to remove instantly.

We can also use various materials that are placed in layers and filter out any impurities. At the start of the process, the dust particles are stick to the clean filters. After that in the transient phase, the dust particles are stick on the filter are deposited on the media that can be covered by the filtered particles.

The filtration layer is stirred mechanically which allows proper water circulation via media so that it removes dirt particles.

Clean water usually comes out with the help of a backwash screen that can permit the water to pass through filter media.

Cartridge Filter

The filter media consists of a single material that is wound all-around plastic and metallic frame. The frame may somehow are perforated in many cases. The medium is usually restrained dust particles and impurities. It also released pure clean water with the help of outlets. So, due to this reason, the dirty and impure water passes through outlets.

These filters are low in the budget as compared to other types. It can offer a better level of filtration efficiency.

Advantages of best Industrial Water Filtration Systems

The system used for water filtration enables the industrial facilities to treat water very well. It is not only the need for lots of municipalities but also provides lots of benefits to companies.

Some of the advantages related to any water filtration systems are given below:

a. Increased Sustainability

Due to increased water consumption by population and industrial manufacturing, strain exists on natural water. Climate change, pollution as well as improper infrastructure may dirty water and make it unfit for daily use. Many systems can filter as well as reuse their water. Having a better onsite filtration procedure provides a better level of flexibility while choosing water sources as it can treat water for better use. Various companies can save a lot of money as well as reduces the demand for raw water by their onsite filter system.

b. Increased Efficiency

The filtration system is used to filter and cleanse water i.e. reuse contaminated water. They usually spend less money on raw water. These systems are less dependent on the local municipal system of any region to fulfill the water needs.

These facilities present in areas having water restrictions, droughts as well as higher competition water level can easily maintain the smooth processing and production cycle with little uncertainties and shutdown factors. It also allows the system to properly tailor the filtration process that suits needs.

c. Low-maintenance costs

Lots of modern industrial filtration systems are smarter in design as well as low in operating and maintenance costs. These systems are usually built for more lifespans and easily replenished regularly instead of replaced.

d. Low-Energy Consumption

Most of the modern systems are perfect and energy-effect. These facilities are well-customized to run for more hours, monitor the use of energy, disinfection as well as the ion-exchange process. The system also provides a better clarification level of clean water by using small input.

Kinds of Industrial Water Filtration System

Many types of filtration systems are used in industries for water filtration. You can choose from these types based on the removing containments present in various fluids and water.

a. Basket Strainers/ Pipeline

Strainers are the closed vessels that can easily collect various solid particles. These particles are collected when the fluid such as water passes through any removable screen that is made from mesh or perforated plates like a basket. These baskets can remove all kinds of dirt particles down to seventy-five microns or 200 mesh. After the fullness of the basket, the strainers are cleaned first and then use further. Three types of basket strainer are:

  • Y-type strainer
  • Simplex Strainer
  • Duplex Strainer

b. Ultraviolet Purification

By using ultra-violet purification process, there will be the destruction of microorganism DNA. It will losses all of the important information that is needed to become more active and in multiples. Without reproduction ability, the organism die-off instantly. It is the process that is always ready to keep water free from all kinds of dirt and contamination.

c. Automatic Self-cleaning strainers

The self-cleaning filter is the best type of filter that can easily use system pressure for cleaning itself properly. The rigid screen can strains dust particles out of the liquid and trapping all debris inside it. The buildup layer can cause huge differential pressure all around the outlet and inlet.

The controller of the strainers is used to monitors the process of the filter and opens the flush valve when there sense more differential pressure. It creates flow via the apparatus used for internal cleaning. The apparatus enables to removes all build-up that may occur on the screen and expels out.

d. Reverse Osmosis

Reverse osmosis is the process that occurs when the pressure is applied to the opposite direction of the solvent flow. This process is responsible to offer clean and filtered liquid. It removes large molecules as well as ions from the solution and is used for desalination.

The effective process is also helpful in removing various contaminants like viruses, dirt, ions, colloids, heavy metals, and viruses.

e. Bag Filters

The bag filter is made from a porous material that enables the liquid to flow easily through it. The holes present on these filters are small in size that can easily captured particles and solids. It is recommended for medium to fast water flow rates as they have a better level of pressure to proper functioning.

f. Coolant Filtration Systems

Clean coolant filter system offers better part finishes, increases the rate of production, worker productivity well as longer tool life. If you keep the coolant clean then it enables you to meet the part cleanliness specifications.

The system is best for keeping the coolant free from tramp oil as well as solids by removing all kinds of swarf and debris that generate during processing. It also helps in controlling the flow rate, PH level, and coolant’s boiling point.

g. Media Filters

Various types of media filters are:

  • Multi-media filter
  • specialty filters
  • Sand media filters
  • Granular Activated carbon filter

h. Separators

This system comes with no screens, moving parts, filter media, or slotted baffles. So, there is no requirement of maintenance as well as no loss in pressure expects during the opening of purge valves used for flushing solids. Some of the types of separator systems are:

  • Gravity separator
  • Centrifugal separator

Factors that consider while buying the best Industrial Water Filter

There are many filters in the market that come with different limitations and abilities. You should consider all of the factors in mind that can help application systems to achieve a better level of filtration. Some of the factors that can affect the filter’s performance are given below:

a. Type of Filtration

Applications may require continuous filtration to provide movement in working units without any break. We can use duplex filters to allow the filters to work without shutting the whole process. The batch application also offers fast filtration of the appropriate volume of liquid at a certain time. Simplex filters also use for the filtration of raw water.

b. Level of Contamination

The level of containment also depends on the use of filters. You may require pre-filters when the raw water comes with higher solid impurities. Similarly, it will important to carry some daily cleaning and filter replacement when the water is polluted with various pathogens, etc.

c. Operation requirements and condition of the process

It is important to have a correct match of filters with the requirements of operation such as temperatures, pressure, and flow rate.

Every screen comes with optimal as well as maximum operating flow rates, pressure, and temperatures. So, choosing the wrong filters having low flow rates will slow down the filtration process tremendously.

d. Quality Standards

The water quality after the process of filtration also determines the best type of filters that are needed by you. If the filtering water is used for human consumption, then filters should capable to remove all kinds of hazardous products, heavy metals, and pathogenic bacteria’s.

e. Operational Cost of filters

To consider initial screen cost and other operational expenses like replacement and installation costs. It is important to consider various costs such as wastage disposal cost and downtime cost that may be incurred during filter replacement.

So, if you need to change the filter too many times, then you must use the wrong filter. So, ensure the condition.

Similarly, you are also required to choose the best screen while minimizing losses that occur due to downtime extendable from maintenance and servicing.

f. Characteristics and nature of contaminants

You must know the type as well as the size of containments that you need to remove from water. Liquid and solid containment will need various filter types. You have to determine either the pollutants pose any health risk or not. If there is any existence then you need more supported equipment and specialized installation for ensuring a better level of human health protection.

The best quality materials for the housing of industrial water filter

It is very important to choose the materials that come with greater rust resistance and has a strong body to withstand various harsh situations. For many reasons, the best material for an industrial water filter is stainless steel if you want to operate a filter in high pressure and temperature. It also provides better rust-resistant and easy to clean.

On the other hand, you can also use any plastic materials that can withstand high temperature and pressure as they are cheaper and comes with great rust resistant power. Most of the filter housings are manufactured the carbon steel that provides a better level of protection.

The material used for industrial water filter media

For constructing the top quality filter element, many materials can be chosen. Some of the material is given below:

  • Sand and Gravel

Sand & gravel are widely used material for constructing the best water filtration media. It is the best suitable material for removing turbidity as well as suspended particles. The gravel is spherical and coarse in shape. It provides smooth and sufficient flow with even water distribution.

  • Calcite

Calcite filter media is used for acidic water purification. When the liquid is passed on calcite, then calcium carbonate is dissolved and the PH level of water in the process is also raised. Calcite is also responsible to reduce levels of concentration of copper, lead, and other metals.

  • Activated carbon

Activated carbon is one of the best and useful materials that are used for the proper purifying of drinking water. You may require this type of filter media for various organic impurities and for chlorine. It also refreshes the taste as well as the odor of water.

  • Garnet

Garnet medium is sturdy and granular that makes it perfect to use for manufacturing dual strata-deep filters. The main benefit of using garnet material because it is best and resistant to both abrasion as well as chemical erosion.

  •  Anthracites

It is the filter media that helpful and provides enough support for high flow rates. Users can use this media when they want to reduce the silica concentration in the liquid. The Anthracites also removes turbidity for a limited time.

  •  Manganese greensand

Manganese greensand contains siliceous materials that are used to filter water that is polluted with manganese, iron, and hydrogen Sulphide.

  • Filter AG

Filter AG is constituted of “Anhydrous silicone dioxide”. It is an ideal filter media that helps in removing suspended solid contaminated particles.

  • Zeome

Zeome offers a high level of cation exchange capacity as well as surface charge density needed to bind various materials. So, it is a suitable material for the various industrial water filter system.

  • Resin

It is suitable and the best material for filtration systems that needed water softening.

  • Dolomite mineral

The material increases the PH level of drinking water by reversing osmosis filtration.

  • Cation-Anion Mix bed resin

The material helps in removing silica and carbon dioxide in demineralized water and make it best to use.

Quality Standards of water

For water quality management, ISO developed more than 300 standards.

ISO/TC 147 section of ISO standards offer better guidelines on how to take samples, reports, and test various contaminant present in the liquid. The pollutants consist of radioactive, microbiological, biological as well as physicochemical water properties. ISO also lists various terminologies related to water quality. Various countries offer lawful regulations for the desired conditions for the water bodies.

The law and regulations also provide a better level of guidelines for managing pollutions.

Some of the quality standards of water are:

  • Designated water bodies use
  • Criteria used for the protection of drinking water
  • Requirements that avoid degradation of protected and safe water bodies.

How much does industrial water filter cost?

The industrial water filters may vary in cost depending on the size and type of pollutants. For reverse osmosis filters, you may have to pay more as compared with other filters.

How to remove excess chlorine from water?

Chlorine is one of the best and leading containment of municipals and commercially treated water. Users need to reduce these containments to non-toxic levels before consumption. If you want to remove chlorine from water then activated carbon filters can be used. When water passes through the filter screen, then the surface of the activated charcoals helps in binding chlorine ions in water.

Duration to change Industrial water filters

The service life of the best filter depends on what is the type of filter, level of pollutants, and intensity to use it. The filter takes 2 to 3 months to work properly under regular operation and some take less as well as more months. It is important to follow those recommendations provided by the manufacturers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can I clean Industrial Water Filters easily?

Ans: Yes, you can. You clean filters via backwashing the filters with pressurized air or water. The process of water quality determines the backwashing frequency. For highly polluted water such as underground or river water, you may wash it after 3 or fewer days. But when you filter clean water, it can work for 2-3 weeks easily. Some model comes with automatic backwashing system that uses pressure that reached to the marked washing level. It signals to trigger the self-cleaning system of filers. The systems further flash dirt via the reversing process.

Q2. How to remove bacteria by industrial water filters?

Ans: You can easily remove the bacteria present in water via reverse osmosis. Chlorine or UV radiation helpful methods for commercial water filtrations.

Q3. How to maintain industrial water filters?

Ans: It is important to schedule and conduct routine-based maintenance for various filters. It also ensures better services and adequate filtration. Always ensure to clean and replaces the filter elements according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer to avoid any problem. A proper schedule of replacement and inspection of lubricating oil and pumps is necessary. Check the correct working mechanism of reverse osmosis membrane and filter elements. Clean all parts to reduce permeability as well as avoid sediment accumulation. Never expose the soft resin tank under the sun.

Q4. When to replace water filter for commercial purposes?

Ans: You need to replace water filters between 2 to 3 months.


This guide enables you to evaluate various concepts involved in choosing the best water filters. It is important for better corrosion control and prevents fouling problems in the future. Water that may be left untreated can provide lots of damage to the expensive accesses. It also results in excess of maintenance and unforeseen repairs costs.

We properly understand the challenges faced by an individual while buying the best water filter. We also know that the industrial filtration system required the best system to utilize heavier solids as well as abrasive chemicals. Whether you need the pre-treatment or post-treatment of source water, we come up with technology that meets your needs. From the cost involved in buying the filters to the extendable time period, we always ready to offer the best solution to your needs. So, stay safe and enjoy a lot.

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